Golf Croquet: 2024 courses

Back to Basics
Wednesday 24 April 2024

Getting the basics right can make all the difference to your game. This practical one-day course is designed to help you understand the principles of a good stance and grip, how to play roquets or clearing shots, and how exactly to master hoop running. AC and GC players will then be coached separately in shots specific to each game. The day will be largely outdoors and will offer plenty of opportunity to put principles into practice. The day is for both AC and GC players and is aimed primarily at players with handicaps AC12+ or GC 10+. Get your technique right and start being a winner!
Cost: £38. Course code BB. Course leaders: Alan Locket and Penny Clark

Become a Croquet England Club-Level Coach
Saturday-Sunday 27-28 April 2024

This two-day course, led by the author of Complete Croquet, is for both AC and GC players aiming to develop their coaching skills and seeking Croquet England accreditation to coach within their own club. Coaches also find that coaching others can help them significantly develop their own game. To complete their qualification candidates go on to coach five sessions at their own club. You are expected to have a working knowledge of the Laws of AC or the Rules of GC. A subsidy of £25 per person may be available for Croquet England members: please discuss with the Course Secretary. Some Federations may also offer further support.
Cost: £70.
Course code CC. Course leader: James Hawkins

Moving on in Golf Croquet
Tuesday 30 April 2024
This one-day course is for GC players with handicaps in low double figures or high single figures who are looking to take their game to the next level. A key focus will be on thinking – thinking through the implications of different shot options before choosing one to play, and helping players plan ahead to create opportunities for partner ball and forestall progress by opposition balls. The day will include guided play and good opportunity for players to deepen their understanding through discussion and individual help and guidance.
Cost: £38. Course code MO. Course leader: Penny Clark

Competitive Golf Croquet: strokes
Tuesday 14 May 2024
This one-day course is designed to complement Competitive Golf Croquet: strategy and is for intermediate-level GC players (handicaps in higher single figures) or those ready to push their handicap down to that level. It consolidates the fundamentals of the game with a practical review of everything that really matters to give you the competitive edge you need. The day will look in detail at each of the six basic GC strokes in turn, including examining basic technique to ensure success, the best positions to take for hoop running, and the best use of warm-up time before a tournament, with a view to helping you focus your practice to improve the important skills, and giving ways to get you out of trouble.
Cost: £38 (£35 if booked as a pair with Competitive Golf Croquet: strategy, Wednesday 15 May).
Course code CSS. Course leader: Dave Kibble

Competitive Golf Croquet: strategy
Wednesday 15 May 2024
This one-day course is designed to complement Competitive Golf Croquet: strokes and, like it, is aimed at intermediate-level GC players (handicaps in higher single figures) or those ready to push their handicap down to that level. The aim of the day is to explore the fundamentals of good strategic thinking – including how to gain and maintain control of the hoop, making shot selection work reliably for you, penalty spot options, developing a winning mindset, and establishing priorities in decision-making. Much of the day will be on the lawn and there will be ample opportunity for guidance, support and discussion.
Cost: £38 (£35 if booked as a pair with Competitive Golf Croquet: strokes, Tuesday 14 May). Course code CSY. Course leader: Dave Kibble

Classic Golf Croquet skills and tactics
Saturday 18 May 2024

This one-day course is for higher-handicap Golf Croquet players around the handicap 8-12 range who want to develop their understanding of the basic tactical moves; would like to know how to play accurate clearances, jump shots and so on; and want to run hoops successfully. The day will look at the classic tactical shots, the skills required, and principles of tactical play, while also moving towards some of the more advanced aspects of play.
Cost: £38. Course code CS. Course leader: John Crossland

Golf Croquet skills and tactics in practice
Sunday 19 May 2024

This course complements the course on 18 May and, similarly, is for higher-handicap GC players around the handicap 8-12 range. The day will centre around a series of coached games, with players grouped by handicap and with coaches taking opportunities during play to discuss technique, tactics and available options in situations arising in each game. You should be familiar with basic technique and classic tactical moves such as clearing, blocking and promoting, and now would like to develop your understanding of how these and other moves can best be put to work in practice.
Cost: £38. Course code GS. Course leader: John Crossland

Learn Short Croquet in one day
Tuesday 11 June 2024

This one-day course is open to players of both codes, but should appeal particularly to GC players who want their skills to give them a head start in Association Croquet. It is also for coaches looking for a straightforward way of introducing this accessible version of AC into their own clubs. The day covers distinctive aspects of the AC game including croquet shots and building a break; it offers a full introduction to Association Croquet and aims to help participants play with understanding and pleasure. The day will include guidance on how the skills of AC can be easliy learned, a supported game, and plenty of opportunity for individual help and guidance.
Cost: £38. Course code SC1. Course leader: John Harris

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