How to apply
Booking for all courses opens on 1 December 2024. The booking system for 2025 is moving to online. To apply for a place on any course please return to this page then.
Cancellations will be accepted up to 21 days before the start of the course, with a full refund less £5 to cover administration. Between 21 days and ten days before the start of the course, a 50% refund will be offered. After that time it will unfortunately only be possible to make a refund (50%) if the place can be filled from a waiting list.
Courses with too few participants to be viable, or courses where the course leader is unavoidably indisposed and cannot be substituted, may, regrettably, need to be cancelled. Please accept our apologies if this happens – it will normally be rare. Should an Academy course be cancelled a full refund will be offered.
Communication will normally be by email. All applications will be acknowledged without delay. Initial information will be sent to course members before the start of the course, and, for all one-day and two-day courses, a detailed course pack will be available at the course itself.